
Make me smile...

-wearing my pearl stud earrings. they make me feel classy even when I'm clothed in a t-shirt and sweatpants
-the satisfaction of all the laundry now being folded. and almost all of it put away, too.
-John telling me the secret words that are written in my eyes.
-making a wrong turn as I took GameBoy to school this morning, because I was tired and forgot where I was headed. but making it on time anyways.
-finding my favorite short-sleeved black sweater. in a dusty ball at the bottom of my closet. washing it last night and it is as good as new now.
-flossing regularly, for the first time in my life. a habit that I now enjoy.
-finding a note from the John and the kids on my steering wheel when I return to the car after class. a reminder that I am loved and cared for, even when I am in student mode.
-the deep peace that comes from a morning full of possibilities. the confidence that today will be a good one.


Anonymous said...


I hope that I am not intruding into your cyberspace, But I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed reading your Make me smile blogs. It has served as a reminder to me, at a critical time, that it is important to take inventory of things in life, large or small, complex of simple, that have positive effect on the soul. I think that lately I have been a little too focused on negativity in my life and am in desperate need of positive reinforcements. Thanks...

jana said...

You are so, so welcome :)