
on cats & crutches

John asked (as he was simultaneously petting ellycat and toweling off after his morning shower):
“What if humans had fur like cats all over their bodies?”

Jana: “Then we would have riots and wars over the fact that some of us cats have different-colored fur. Can you imagine how snotty the Siamese-cat humans would be?”

John: “Me, I’d be a hairless cat

John finished drying off and the conversation drifted off into another direction. But as I was doing dishes this afternoon I thought a bit more about what type of cat I would be…

I think I would be like the B&W three-legged cat that we used to meet on our walks to the garden. That cat was agile and strong. His missing leg caused him to lurch from side-to-side a bit, but never slowed him down.

Being a three-legged catwould mean I would have no need of crutches like the new ones I bought yesterday. For 22 years I’ve used hand-me-down or thrift store crutches. For the first time I bought my own. They are of the space-age folding variety because I’m sick of having to hand-carry my full-size crutches every time I travel. They always cause problems at security checkpoints and they don’t fit in the overhead bin (thus, they usually ride in a posh first class coat closet while I’m relegated to coach). Because I like to travel light (e.g. two weeks in Europe w/one small daypack), the crutches really slow me down…

But no more…(purr, purr)


Gray said...

You certainly got a log of mileage out of those crutches!

I have a good friend who accumulates them as accessories, about the same way my wife collects earrings. She has different colors, lengths, and designs for different purposes, shoes, and outfits. My parsimonious Yankee soul recoils from her expensive excesses, but I imagine that you could even allow yourself a second new pair that pleases you after all these years.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend that made a binocular parallelogram mount out of old aluminum crutches -- very cool use of resources (and the parallelograms work fabulously).