
to self

Note to self: next time you make German Chocolate Cookies for the kids' lunches, bag them up and put them into the freezer. Right away. Don't leave them in a tantalizing pile on the counter. Otherwise they will call out to you the whole day as you're trying to read Foucault.

'Cuz everyone knows that Theory goes down much easier with copious amounts of chunky cookies w/pecans. Yep.


Anonymous said...

Where's the recipe?

jana said...

Ok, it's embarrassing. They were cake mix cookies--you buy a cake mix, alter the add-ins a bit, and 'voila': super-gooey cookies.

I feel like a hypocrite admititng that I made cake mix cookies because I generally turn my nose up at anything with hydrogenated oils. But they are super-easy. And very tasty.